
We're proud to have some of the best playgrounds in the Northeast Ohio area right here in Independence - we ask all participants to be cautious, please maintain social distancing and wash and/or sanitize hands before and after using any equipment to stop the spread of disease.

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There are three playgrounds in the Elmwood Park area with a variety of features for multiple ages and abilities. Our most popular playground area is Liberty Playground, located just west of the Civic Center between the Safety Town area and the Kiwanis Pavilion. The Ages 5-12 play structure includes multiple slides, climbing structures, and spinners on poured-in-place rubber surfacing, plus two racing zip lines. The brand new Ages 2-5 play area includes multiple slides & climbing structures, an accessible sand table, musical panels, and an accessible spinner. Liberty Playground also hosts multiple swings, a climbing wall, a merry-go-round, and various assorted play features. The Liberty Station building has restrooms with changing stations and a meeting room that hosts Independence Art Guild meetings and Safety Town classes.

Annex Playground Structure & Bouncer Equipment

The Annex Playground is located across from City Hall and near the Bocce Courts. This shaded playground area contains a play structure with slides, tubes, and climbers, and also features spring riders, swings, and a whirl. Restroom facilities, benches and the Annex Pavilion are nearby.

Fieldhouse Playground with Shade Structure

The Fieldhouse Playground is located on the west side lawn of the Fieldhouse. There are many fun activities available and ample room to play. Restrooms are located in the Fieldhouse and are open to the public during normal hours of operation.